Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kids Picnic Table

A kids picnic table is one of those simple things in life that the whole family can enjoy. Children love helping to build things. And a picnic table is simple enough that even if you never finished a wood working project before, this little craft can be done in under an hour. Only a hand full of tools are needed, and this varies only slightly depending on how much involvement an adult wants to have in the proses:

A wooden stool or saw horses:

A square set for making 90 degree markings

An adjustable or open end wrench

Measuring tape:



Drill and drill bits.

Screw driver (wood screws - 20 or so)

12 x Carriage bolts (" wide by 2" long w/ nuts and bolts)

If the kids picnic table is meant to be a kids only project, a hand drill and hand saw can be used under adult supervision. Otherwise, pre-drilling and cutting with power tools can drastically cut down on time and 're-dos'. Either way, square headed screw are recommended because they do not slip with a screw driver and goggles should be worn because drill bits do have a way of snapping.

Then there is the wood. 8 - 1x6 (seats and tabletop) and 9 -1x3 (legs, seat supports, table supports and brace) should do the trick. Being as we are just building a kids picnic table, there is no need to go over board (no pun intended) with red cedar or any thing fancy like that. It is recommended that you do not use pressed, treated wood though because of the chemicals and health factors. Pine is a typical wood used for this project. Untreated wood can be used if the table is to be used indoors. If the table is intended to be left outside, choose a wood type that has a natural resistance to decay in preference to a pressure-treated wood. The local lumber store will be able to assist in this. Either way, if it you wish the have it last longer then a year, you should treat it with some kind of sealer to avoid water damage, warping and splinters.

When all is said and done, your new kids picnic table will be cause your children to light up at there own handy work and want to use it every night. You can even truly make it there own by letting them paint it, carve on it and draw on it... what can it hurt. It will be much more then just a place to sit and eat. Find more family camping and picnic fun here

My son has been in Boy Scouts for 4 years now and he is working on his Star Ranking. I have been adopted as an assistant and have enjoyed just about every camp out they have gone on. I've learned a lot from those little guys, and must say that I look forward to these monthly outings each and every time. Rain or shine, winter or summer.

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