Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weather Explained - A Brief Explanation of What You Should Know

People instinctively seem to know how important weather is to their daily lives, especially in areas where it changes often. This is important because an unprotected individual in the face of severe weather can be significantly injured or killed by its effects. Having at least a cursory understanding of what the weather is will mean that you are not only more informed and educated, but will be better able to determine what, if any actions you can take to protect yourself and make wise decisions concerning the weather around you at any given time.
Broadly defined, weather is "a set of all the phenomena occurring in a given atmosphere at a given time." It occurs in the hydrosphere and troposphere. The hydrosphere is any part of the earth or its atmosphere in which water or water vapour is found. The troposphere, on the other hand, is the lowest layer of the atmosphere and contains about 95 percent of the mass of air in the earth's atmosphere. The troposphere extends from the Earth's surface up to about 10 to 15 kilometres. Weather happens because of temperature and moisture differences between one place and another. Differences occur because of variations in the angle of the sun at any particular location. Weather means current activity and climate is related to the average conditions over longer periods of time.

Specialized weather conditions such as hurricanes need to be given attention here because of the significant influence they have over warm areas. Areas of particular concern are the tropics and warm U.S. states where hurricanes and other severe weather phenomena exist regularly. A hurricane is a low pressure zone funnelling surrounding warm air to the ground. A hurricane is the same as a cyclone. The difference comes from the area of the ocean that the storm forms. Cyclones are responsible for a wide variety of different meteorological phenomena such as tropical cyclones and tornadoes. The result is that weather forecasters usually further defines the term with another. A hurricane is itself a commonly cited chaotic phenomenon for it consists of elements that come spontaneously to form complex systems. The elements together are a greater risk than the pieces when considered individually.

Weather might also be defined this way: weather is the short-lived condition of the air. It can be called "short-lived" because it can change rapidly. For example in some places like Melbourne, Australia you could experience three weather patterns in one day. Weather is logical; it is a straight cause and effect situation. The problem is that the cause is often unknown.
As stated earlier, weather can have a significant impact on the environment around us. It is important to accurately predict certain outcomes of particular types of weather. This is the case, for example when dealing with forest and brush fires. Weather is often the most influential variable. People in charge of controlling wildfires must understand how fire may react to an alteration in the weather, such as a wind change. Wind and water conditions, such as water availability are a large determining factor affecting how fire crews respond. Many times aspects of fire control and containment include "controlled burns". A controlled burn refers to" prescribed or controlled burning of a specific area to prevent it spreading further where containment may be far less certain. It is a technique sometimes used in forest management, farming and prairie restoration".

It is important to understand weather and because of how it can affect basic tasks that people often take for granted. Such commonplace activities include driving a car. Weather is one environmental risk factor that is known to affect road crash rates around the world. If a person were informed of weather conditions that might significantly impair the safe driving of a vehicle, the prudent driver would pull over until a specific weather condition has passed. Seeking appropriate shelter strong enough to withstand the present conditions is also advised.
It is also good to be aware of common weather terms that are heard everyday like "wind chill". Wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by wind and cold. As the wind increases, it draws heat from the body, driving down skin temperature and, eventually, the internal body temperature. Another significant term used in weather prediction is Zulu time. Meteorologists use Zulu time, which is the standard time in Greenwich, England, in their forecasts, such as for aviation, to avoid confusion with time zones in forecasts for far-away locations. Air traffic controllers use it for the same reason. Standardization is important to avoid confusion in different places. Another common term is "jet stream". Jet stream relates to the strong temperature contrast between polar and tropical air. . Because the Earth's axis is tilted relative to its orbit, sunlight is at different angles at different times of the year. This results in temperature changes. Temperature differences than cause pressure differences. Higher altitudes are cooler than lower altitudes.

Lastly it is important to realize how volatile and sensitive the atmospheric system is. Small changes in one part of the system can have a huge impact on the whole. Weather forecasting makes use of science and technology to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time at a particular location. It is hoped that this brief explanation of weather in general with reference to more specific weather phenomena will help you gain a more clear understanding of it, how it affects you and what certain, common terms used frequently actually mean. Appreciation is hereby expressed to Google for general definitions of specific weather terms. You can learn how to use the define feature with the following syntax to learn meanings for terms you specify this way; "define:term" where term refers to the term you are frying to define. Look for additional articles at the websites given at the end of this article.

For more information, please visit the Marketplace section of You will find additional articles on this website. Please check out our sister site at Thank you. It is hoped you find this article both helpful and informative.

Pour Girder To Post Connection

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Termite Eradication - 6 Easy Steps That You Need to Take in Order to Get Rid of Termites

Termites can actually make a difference to whether your house lasts for decades or gets literally eaten up within a matter of months. These little insects can do some serious damage to your house, especially if its foundation is predominantly made up of wood. Termite eradication should therefore be high on your priority list.

Fortunately though, there are some simple steps that can you can take in order for effective termite eradication and protect your house.

1. The first step in termite eradication actually starts with early detection. You should be constantly on the lookout for breaks or cracks in your house. Your checks should not be limited to wooden parts for termites are also known to get inside cracks present on brick walls too. If you have a wooden fence outside your house, then you need to check it too.

2. You will need to ensure that there are no wooden scraps lying near your house. They are the places where termites thrive in large numbers. The area near surrounding your house should be kept clean of wooden as well as cardboard debris.

3. If you have a crawl space, just make sure that it has adequate ventilation to prevent excess moisture.

4. Installation of moisture absorbers is another termite eradication step that helps. Damp conditions are the breeding ground for termites and it therefore makes sense to invest in a quality moisture absorber.

5. Another simple termite removal method lies in simply reducing the number of wooden furniture items in your home. Remember, the less wood you have, the lesser the number of termites in your house.

6. You should schedule periodic visits by a pest control company. Although we can always do our bit for termite eradication, it is still something that is best left to professionals.

If you are someone looking for information on termite repair, then the internet is the best place to search for it. Visit Preventtermiteintrusion, an online guide, can offer you valuable advice on termite eradication, using which you can now protect your home for years to come.

Building Handrails Books

You Want A Fireplace: Here's What's Involved

Just to make sure I had my facts straight, I did a search throughout the net for any expert who wanted to undertake informing readers of the steps involved in installing a traditional fireplace. As I thought, none did. They will venture to inform readers how to change the face of a fireplace or how to do repairs, which means you have to have a fireplace.

But, none of them want to address the actual installation of a fireplace. I can certainly understand why. There is a thing called liability and few experts want that. They know that if you come to them to ask questions, they can answer you with the utmost authority. Then, they can even do the work. But, to be able to try to help someone understand the work involved, the safety issues and every other concern in a simple how-to over the net, thats a completely different story.

The reason is because there is so much involved. Just to brief you on all these different things, you would have to first find the place where you want the fireplace. Easy enough right? Not really. You can pick the most obvious places in the middle of your living room, dining room or bedroom and probably get away with it just fine. But when you go outside of those areas, now you are looking at possible problems. Pipe work or electrical wiring might be running where you intend to put your fireplace. It might be a load bearing wall. Are you starting to get the idea?

After you have picked your perfect place, now you have to look at all the construction that is involved. You are going to need to make the floor safe and that means installing a hearth. Stone is best. But, there are other materials. You need to install a firebox, which will house your fire. That requires knocking a hole in the wall. Run your hole straight up to the roof for the chimney, which will require fire resistant material. The standard is brick. The chimney is often a little more work than you think. You might not even be able to live in your house while all the construction is taking place.

Of course, materials are easily going to run you several thousand dollars and labor, unless you can do it yourself, will run another several thousand dollars. A good rule of thumb is that when it is all said and done, you will have spent anywhere from $5000 to $7500. Thats around the amount where you would need a loan unless you are rich and can just write a check. And if you are reading this, I can safely assume that doesnt apply to you.

Safety concerns include of course the fire resistant material that you have chosen and the construction of the fireplace itself. There can be no mistakes or you might be saying good bye to your house. You wanted a good fireplace experience. Roast marshmallows on your front lawn while the local fire company tries to save whatever they can of the house where you once lived. Not funny? Well, it proves my point though doesnt it. There is another concern that involves smoke ventilation.

These things are important and Im sure you are well aware of that fact. But, you really want a fireplace? When you looked at the house and you wanted to buy it so bad, that was one thing you didnt think about. But, now its getting to you that you have a house without a fireplace. Well, consider an alternative.

For over twenty years now, there has been an alternative to the traditional fireplace that really can beat all the other alternatives at every issue. A ventless gel fireplace is easy to install. From the time you put in your order to the time you receive it will be about two weeks. It is mobile and you can put it anywhere you want throughout the house. No holes to knock into the walls. No floors to tear up for a hearth. Place it where you want and light the gel.

It is ventless, which means you can have no fear of ever being smoked out of your house. The gel burns into a water vapor that completely evaporates before it leaves the room. The fireplaces come in traditional wooden styles as well as new contemporary styles like wall units and middle of the floor units. You can also get styles that go nicely on the back porch. The greatest factor yet is how inexpensive the ventless gel fireplace can be. As low as $300, you can see the big difference in cost.

Fireplaces add ambiance to any room. They make the difference between a house and a home. Quite romantic and rather inviting for all occasions, its not hard to understand why a home owner would want a fireplace where a wall now stands. Thats why more and more people are turning to the ventless gel fireplace. They get the fireplace experience without all the hassle.

Jessica Brylan is a home improvement expert. She loves remodeling homes. She has even built a few. In all her work, she has split off into interior design every once in awhile. But, actual construction is her first love. She knows enough to get by with the big guys.

Home Stucco Books

Home Inspection: Pre-inspected Listings

The future of real estate?

* Home inspections have traditionally been for the benefit of the purchaser.

* Pre-inspected listings benefit all parties - purchasers, vendors and Realtors.

Deals are less likely to fall through.

Home inspections, performed as a condition of the offer, can kill deals - and often needlessly. Sometimes this is because the purchaser gets cold feet; sometimes there's a big problem no one knew about. Sometimes it is because the house has been misrepresented; sometimes it is because the home inspector scared the purchasers by not explaining that minor and typical problems are just that - minor and typical.

If the home inspection is performed prior to the house being listed, all parties will be aware of the physical condition of the house before an offer is drawn. There will be less likelihood for surprises after the fact. Deals will be less likely to fall through.

Pre-inspected listings can avoid renegotiation.

In a buyer's market, most houses have to be sold twice. It takes a lot of work to get a signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale... then the home inspection is conducted and the purchaser wants to renegotiate.

If all parties know the condition of the house prior to the offer, there is generally a lesser need for renegotiation. As most Realtors know, renegotiation can be very difficult. Vendors have already mentally sold the house; purchasers are suffering from 'buyers' remorse'. Egos, pride and frustration can muddy the already emotional waters.

A vendor who pays for a home inspection will be further ahead than one who has to renegotiate. He or she may even sell their house faster.

Unrealistic vendors.

An inspection at the time of a listing can also help a Realtor deal with a vendor who has unrealistic expectations. The inspection report is good ammunition for explaining why you can't ask top buck for a house that is not in top condition.

Repairs prior to sale.

Sometimes, the home inspection will reveal items which should be repaired immediately. A pre-inspected listing allows the vendor to repair the problem prior to putting the house on the market.

If the inspection occurs after the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, the purchaser could walk, renegotiate or depending on the inspection clause, the vendor may have the option to make repairs. A repair made by an unmotivated vendor to satisfy the condition may not be the best repair and may not meet the purchaser's expectations. This has caused more than one deal to not close.

Peace of mind for the purchaser.

There is no doubt that part of the value of a home inspection is a guided tour of the house for the prospective purchaser. Perhaps the inspection company could return to do a walk-through with the purchaser, if requested.

Reputable inspection companies.

Pre-inspected listings will only have value if the home inspector and/or company is perceived to be reputable, qualified and properly insured. Prospective purchasers might have little or no faith in a report created by someone they perceive to be working for the Vendor or Listing Agent.

Editor's Note: This article is for discussion purposes only and does not represent any policy or opinion on the part of Electrospec or it's representatives. It is intended only as "food for thought", and it is hoped that no one will be offended by the suggestive nature of any parts of the article.


Does the future of home inspections lie in pre-inspected listings? Will offers be cleaner and deals less likely to be renegotiated or fall through? Will pre-inspection afford purchasers, vendors and Realtors a new measure of equilateral protection?


Copyright Gil Strachan - All rights reserved.

Gil Strachan is a professional home inspector, representing Electrospec Home Inspection Services in east-central Ontario, Canada since 1994. Visit to learn more about home inspections.

"The Home Reference Book"
You can probably find a home inspection for a little less than what we ask, but you probably won't find the Home Reference Book. A $60 value, this solutions-oriented reference tool comes free with every inspection we perform.
It's the first tool you should have around the house!

Hiring Contractors Books

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Assignees, Nominees And Other Extra-terrestrial Buyers

This world would be unquestionably a simpler place to live in, if one was at least given the right to know whom he is selling his own house to. But after nineteen years of real estate sales practice, I have come to the realization that this is not meant to be.

The common law Doctrine of Privity as it relates to contracts provides that a contract cannot confer rights or impose obligations arising under it on any person or agent except the parties to it. In essence, the Doctrine of Privity of Contracts simply states, that only the parties to a contract have the right to sue or be sued under it. This means, generally speaking, that third parties who get a benefit under a contract do not have the right to go against the parties to the contract beyond the entitlement to such benefit. An example of this occurs when a manufacturer sells a product to a distributor and the distributor sells the product to a retailer. The retailer then sells the product to a consumer. There is no privity of contract between the manufacturer and the consumer.

However, one exception to this doctrine is that for contracts, which create an interest in land. Contracts involving real property run with the land, so that a new property owner can sue or be sued on a contract, even though he was not a party to it. A second exception to the Doctrine of Privity is an assignment

In an assignment, a person (called the assignor) can assign to a third party (the assignee) his entitlement to benefits arising out of a contract. If he does so, the third party has the right to sue to enforce those benefits. Obviously, a person cannot assign liabilities under a contract.

There are two types of assignments: statutory and equitable. A statutory assignment has three essentials:

[ ] The assignment is in writing.

[ ] The assignment is absolute, that is for the whole amount, and unconditional.

[ ] Notice of the assignment has been given in writing to the original promissor.

If any of the foregoing essentials is missing, the assignment might still be equitable. Statutory and equitable assignments are enforced differently by the Courts. In an equitable assignment all three parties must be named as parties in a court action to recover the amount outstanding. In a statutory assignment, on the other hand, only the original promissor and the assignee are named as parties to the action. The assignor is not a party to it.

An assignment does not alter the rights of the parties to the original contract. The assignee has no better legal position than the assignor had. More specifically, he receives the assignment subject to any defenses, which could have been raised between the original parties. If the assignor has properly assigned his rights, he is free from any further liabilities. It is now up to the assignee to collect the benefits of the original contract. Should the assignee fail, he cannot sue the assignor for it.

Finally, the original promissor does not have to make payments to the assignee until he receives proper notice. Once this notice is received, the original promissor must pay to the assignee and not the assignor even though he has not consented to the assignment.

Although no one can assign his liabilities under a contract, as stated above, a promissor can have his obligations performed by someone else. For instance, a promissor can require his employee or sub-contractor to perform his obligations under a building construction contract. Where a promissor has someone else perform his obligations under a contract, it is called vicarious performance. Vicarious performance is not an assignment, in that it does not result in the substitution of one the original contracting parties for another.

In the aforesaid example of a building construction agreement, the original contractor (promissor) is still liable to the other contracting party. In addition, the sub-contractor who performs vicariously cannot be sued by the other contracting party for non-performance. Only the building contractor can sue the sub-contractor, and this is so because of the privy of contract intercurrent between the two of them.

Luigi Frascati

Luigi Frascati is a Real Estate Agent based in Vancouver, British Columbia. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and maintains a weblog entitled the Real Estate Chronicle at where you can find the full collection of his articles. Luigi is associated with the Sutton Group, the largest real estate organization in Canada, and is based with Sutton-Centre Realty in Burnaby, BC.

Luigi is very proud to be an EzineArticles Platinum Expert Author. Your rating at the footer of this Article is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Environmental Construction Products

Trends in sustainable and environmentally friendly construction continue to inch towards the mainstream, with new products being introduced almost daily that are more cost effective and efficient than ever. Here are some products and trends in environmental construction:


Use of alternative building materials, including reclaimed woods, recycled metals and non toxic materials are making homes more green from the inside out. Even insulation is becoming more green, with wider usage of a mixture of recycled cotton and denim materials instead of toxic and dangerous to install traditional insulation.


There's a wide range of environmentally friendly flooring options. From concrete to stones, recycled metals, recycled tiles, recycled glass, reclaimed woods, sustainable woods, bamboo, cork and even more environmentally friendly linoleums.

Paints and Finishes

There is now a large amount of paints and stains available for your interiors, including walls, floors, bathrooms, staircases and all your surfaces. These new products are either non-toxic or use much less toxic chemicals, making the eco-friendly choice also the most healthy choice for environmentally sensitive people. In addition, these less toxic paints and finishes are much easier to dispose of.


Traditional new carpeting uses a lot of chemicals to produce. In addition, the installation of new carpeting will typically fill the indoor air in your home with what are called "VOC's" or volatile organic compounds. These compounds include chemical carcinogens like benzenes and even formaldehyde. That new carpet smell is actually a cocktail of chemicals you are breathing. These chemicals can take several years to dissipate from your indoor air. By using eco-friendly carpeting, you are eliminating or severely decreasing the amount of chemicals you are bringing into your home. Also, the materials used in eco-friendly carpeting are typically recycled or sustainable. Most carpets need padding and these too can be loaded with chemicals. Instead, homeowners can choose new environmentally friendly carpet padding that is made from recycled cotton.

Cabinetry and Countertops

Even kitchen and bathroom cabinetry and countertops can be eco-friendly. New cabinet options include cabinets made from completely sustainable woods using non-toxic finishes. For countertops, new non-toxic composite materials including quartz and recycled glass chips are available. Even the glue used to adhere the cabinets to the countertop can be an eco-friendly water based glue product.

Whether you are building a new home, remodeling or simply performing some upgrades, you won't want to ignore the many eco-friendly options.

Lydia Quinn writes for Brandon Safety Lights, a leading provider of solar barricade lights, barricade light accessories and traffic safety supplies. Visit us at:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Home Foundation - Hidden Foundation Problems That Could Cost You Thousands in Your Next Home

Homes are built on a number of different support systems; the standard well known types on footings are slab, crawlspace, and basements. There are others that deal with particular soils conditions such as piers, grade beams, driven piles and engineered post tension slabs.

1. Your problems with a slab foundation are pretty straight forward. Slab foundations are built in one variation as one pour of concrete including the footing, walls, and floor system. The tendency of single pour solid concrete slabs is to crack because the concrete cures at different rates based on the thickness or mass. The floor system is normally 4" thick and cures at one rate, the walls and footing maybe 12" thick and 30" deep will cure at a different rate this can cause cracks in the floor system. These cracks will cause an opening to the soil below which is the big problem. The crack will cause moisture to wick into your carpet, the crack may split the hardwood floors, crack your ceramic tiles, and stain the vinyl tiles or sheet flooring.

Slab foundations are also built on footing with block or brick walls and floor system. The chance of cracking is less likely to occur with this system. The footing is poured separately cures, the foundation walls are erected and the floor system is poured and cures. The chance of cracking is lessened because of three separate stages of work. The cracks can occur but are at a minimum as compared a single pour system.

2. Crawlspace problems are cause by the poorly finished or unfinished areas below the first floor decking. The dirt floor of a crawlspace can be covered with different materials according to local and state building codes. Some required a concrete slab over a 6 mil plastic vapor barrier others require only 100% coverage of a 6 mil plastic vapor barrier. Both can cause serious moisture problems because of the unfinished walls and unconditioned area of the crawlspace. The unconditioned (no heat or air conditioning) space can cause mold, mildew in the crawlspace and moisture to wick up into the home through the wood joist and deck floor system. This is causes odors in carpet, cupping or warping hardwoods, wet ceramic tiles, and stains in vinyl floor backing.

Worst yet is that in some cases the heating system and the water heater are located in the damp wet crawlspace causing corrosion on the pipes, fittings, valves, and any metal parts in the crawlspace over time it will be a huge problem for any future homeowner. The better builders today are providing a completely conditioned crawlspace where the dirt floor is sealed the walls are sealed and insulated which keeps out the moisture and allows your mechanical systems to operate properly for years. What did your builder do or what are the plans for your new home?

3. Basement problems can be the same as crawlspaces with the unconditioned areas except the basement is deeper in the ground, closer to any water level or water table which can be a more serious problem. Basements have always had the reputation for being damp and smelly they still can be if the builder is not using modern waterproofing materials and designs. The possibility of floor system cracks exists in basement homes. Using proper water proofing techniques and exterior grading basements have become very desirable. The walk-out condition where the rear wall is actually open to ground level (the lot sloping down from front to rear) has offered some excellent opportunities for homeowners to add usable heated square footage to the home and become a much better alternate to the finished bonus room on the third floor.

Your choice of foundation system is governed more by the site and soil conditions. Most builders would rather build what pleases you at a profitable cost than to chance losing a sale. Some home builders you may find are stuck or set in their building techniques and may not offer you choices that are evidently available or possible.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE access to 2 recent articles "9 Tips For You to Make Real Money in College Rental Properties " and "9 Steps to Save Big Dollars For Your Student With In-State Tuition" at

Bill "The College Rental Investment Guy" is a leading expert on College Rental Investment Properties and Off-Campus Housing.

Create Your Dream House

How Annual Rainfall Affects Basement Waterproofing

With recent advances in materials and construction technology, basement waterproofing techniques are quickly gaining popularity. When it comes to new residential construction, basement waterproofing techniques such as the installation of footer drains or french drains is a given if a home is being built in a wet area of the country. If you own an older home, however, the technology used when your residence was constructed might not currently protect you from all flooding and water damage problems. And depending on the area of the country where you live and its annual rainfall, your basement could be an unexpected disaster waiting to happen.

Annual rainfall affects basement waterproofing for the simple fact that the more saturated the ground is with water, the more stresses that are present on your home's foundations. There's really no effective way to make a cinder block wall completely waterproof, since moisture can slowly push through the material's porous surface and into your home over the decades. Believe it or not, cinder blocks have a lot in common with a sponge, and effectively soak up water in the ground around them. Higher rainfall means more moisture in the ground, and in that kind of environment, your basement walls will inevitably suffer damage if you don't the proper drain waterproofing in place.

Properly waterproofing your basement to protect against saturated ground means installing footer drains that draw the groundwater away from your home and deposit it elsewhere. Footer drains are plastic pipes with small holes in them that allow water to enter and flow away from your home. The best basement waterproofing procedure calls for installing footer drains all around your home, then securing them with the proper back fill methods. As the years progress, you may need to occasionally clean the drains if they become obstructed with dirt or other refuse, but with a proper clean out installation this is a very simple procedure. Properly installed footer drains, however, rarely need to have major service performed on them.

Fewer homes in dry western regions of the country need complete basement waterproofing procedures that include footer drains, and the reason why is pretty obvious: they have less precipitation, and fewer flooding problems. Living in greener areas of the country or near large bodies of water can make for beautiful views, but the increase in groundwater saturation levels is an unfortunate side effect. Keeping your basement properly waterproofed doesn't have to be a huge burden, though, as long as you a diligent in performing annual maintenance and proactive in heading off any potential problems.

Lorain County Sewer and Drain makes Cuyahoga County basement waterproofing easy and affordable. Visit our site today to learn more about basement waterproofing.

A Carpenters Story

Home Foundation - Hidden Foundation Problems That Could Cost You Thousands in Your Next Home

Homes are built on a number of different support systems; the standard well known types on footings are slab, crawlspace, and basements. There are others that deal with particular soils conditions such as piers, grade beams, driven piles and engineered post tension slabs.

1. Your problems with a slab foundation are pretty straight forward. Slab foundations are built in one variation as one pour of concrete including the footing, walls, and floor system. The tendency of single pour solid concrete slabs is to crack because the concrete cures at different rates based on the thickness or mass. The floor system is normally 4" thick and cures at one rate, the walls and footing maybe 12" thick and 30" deep will cure at a different rate this can cause cracks in the floor system. These cracks will cause an opening to the soil below which is the big problem. The crack will cause moisture to wick into your carpet, the crack may split the hardwood floors, crack your ceramic tiles, and stain the vinyl tiles or sheet flooring.

Slab foundations are also built on footing with block or brick walls and floor system. The chance of cracking is less likely to occur with this system. The footing is poured separately cures, the foundation walls are erected and the floor system is poured and cures. The chance of cracking is lessened because of three separate stages of work. The cracks can occur but are at a minimum as compared a single pour system.

2. Crawlspace problems are cause by the poorly finished or unfinished areas below the first floor decking. The dirt floor of a crawlspace can be covered with different materials according to local and state building codes. Some required a concrete slab over a 6 mil plastic vapor barrier others require only 100% coverage of a 6 mil plastic vapor barrier. Both can cause serious moisture problems because of the unfinished walls and unconditioned area of the crawlspace. The unconditioned (no heat or air conditioning) space can cause mold, mildew in the crawlspace and moisture to wick up into the home through the wood joist and deck floor system. This is causes odors in carpet, cupping or warping hardwoods, wet ceramic tiles, and stains in vinyl floor backing.

Worst yet is that in some cases the heating system and the water heater are located in the damp wet crawlspace causing corrosion on the pipes, fittings, valves, and any metal parts in the crawlspace over time it will be a huge problem for any future homeowner. The better builders today are providing a completely conditioned crawlspace where the dirt floor is sealed the walls are sealed and insulated which keeps out the moisture and allows your mechanical systems to operate properly for years. What did your builder do or what are the plans for your new home?

3. Basement problems can be the same as crawlspaces with the unconditioned areas except the basement is deeper in the ground, closer to any water level or water table which can be a more serious problem. Basements have always had the reputation for being damp and smelly they still can be if the builder is not using modern waterproofing materials and designs. The possibility of floor system cracks exists in basement homes. Using proper water proofing techniques and exterior grading basements have become very desirable. The walk-out condition where the rear wall is actually open to ground level (the lot sloping down from front to rear) has offered some excellent opportunities for homeowners to add usable heated square footage to the home and become a much better alternate to the finished bonus room on the third floor.

Your choice of foundation system is governed more by the site and soil conditions. Most builders would rather build what pleases you at a profitable cost than to chance losing a sale. Some home builders you may find are stuck or set in their building techniques and may not offer you choices that are evidently available or possible.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE access to 2 recent articles "9 Tips For You to Make Real Money in College Rental Properties " and "9 Steps to Save Big Dollars For Your Student With In-State Tuition" at

Bill "The College Rental Investment Guy" is a leading expert on College Rental Investment Properties and Off-Campus Housing.

Carpentry Articles

How Annual Rainfall Affects Basement Waterproofing

With recent advances in materials and construction technology, basement waterproofing techniques are quickly gaining popularity. When it comes to new residential construction, basement waterproofing techniques such as the installation of footer drains or french drains is a given if a home is being built in a wet area of the country. If you own an older home, however, the technology used when your residence was constructed might not currently protect you from all flooding and water damage problems. And depending on the area of the country where you live and its annual rainfall, your basement could be an unexpected disaster waiting to happen.

Annual rainfall affects basement waterproofing for the simple fact that the more saturated the ground is with water, the more stresses that are present on your home's foundations. There's really no effective way to make a cinder block wall completely waterproof, since moisture can slowly push through the material's porous surface and into your home over the decades. Believe it or not, cinder blocks have a lot in common with a sponge, and effectively soak up water in the ground around them. Higher rainfall means more moisture in the ground, and in that kind of environment, your basement walls will inevitably suffer damage if you don't the proper drain waterproofing in place.

Properly waterproofing your basement to protect against saturated ground means installing footer drains that draw the groundwater away from your home and deposit it elsewhere. Footer drains are plastic pipes with small holes in them that allow water to enter and flow away from your home. The best basement waterproofing procedure calls for installing footer drains all around your home, then securing them with the proper back fill methods. As the years progress, you may need to occasionally clean the drains if they become obstructed with dirt or other refuse, but with a proper clean out installation this is a very simple procedure. Properly installed footer drains, however, rarely need to have major service performed on them.

Fewer homes in dry western regions of the country need complete basement waterproofing procedures that include footer drains, and the reason why is pretty obvious: they have less precipitation, and fewer flooding problems. Living in greener areas of the country or near large bodies of water can make for beautiful views, but the increase in groundwater saturation levels is an unfortunate side effect. Keeping your basement properly waterproofed doesn't have to be a huge burden, though, as long as you a diligent in performing annual maintenance and proactive in heading off any potential problems.

Lorain County Sewer and Drain makes Cuyahoga County basement waterproofing easy and affordable. Visit our site today to learn more about basement waterproofing.

Building Codes And Remodeling

Does My Home Insurance Cover Me For Flood Damages?

Flooding can happen at any moment and for any reason. Mother Nature can run her course and create flood conditions or a water main may break. At any rate, no matter how it happens, if you experience flooding within your home it is stressful, worrisome, and hard to deal with. At the same time, you have the question is flood damage covered by my home insurance?

The one thing you want to understand is that in most cases, flooding is not covered on general home insurance. You may see clauses that state water damage, but essentially, flooding by acts of God or manmade items are not covered. It is truly very important to understand your policy and discuss options with your insurance agent to be sure that you have the coverage you need.

Far too often, many people go through thinking they have what they need, regardless of the circumstances. However, as with many instances within the last few years, people find out, the hard way, that they in fact did not have coverage for flood damage. Most insurance companies offer flood coverage, in fact all of them offer it, however, it is an additional policy, an additional source of coverage that will increase your premium.

It is important to talk with your insurance agent and discuss flood coverage. You might think that you live in a relatively safe area, free of major flooding, however, you cannot control Mother Nature or events that happen outside of your home. Having your home fully protected is the only sure way to feel comfortable and have peace of mind if the event does occur.

Flooding causes all kinds of damage. You have to deal with contamination, mould, sanitation, water damage to property and content rotting, and so much more. While flooding itself can be hectic, if the work is not performed properly, it can cause a great deal of trouble for you in the future as well.

In other words, to really know if your home insurance covers this type of damage, you want to contact your insurance agent. Talk with him or her and ask them if flooding is included in your coverage. Unless you specifically asked for it and it is a part of your premium that you pay each month, it is highly likely that you are not covered.

If you are not covered, talk with your agent about coverage. Ask what is included, what is not, and how much it will add to your premium. Flood damage coverage is one of the many things you will need to fully protect your home and your belongings. It gives you added peace of mind, knowing that if a flood does occur, you are protected and have the means to cover the cost of repairs, drying, and replacement if need be.

Does your home insurance cover flood damage? Call your agent today and find out, if not, make sure you add it, just to be on the safe side.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For Loss Assessors and Domestic Flood Insurance claim services, he recommends Morgan Clark.

Got Attic Mold

Tips to Recover Carpet From Water Damage

Seeing your favorite carpet being damaged due to water is really frustrating. For years you would have been cleaning & maintaining the floor covering to keep the new looks. But one day due to any reason, it got ruined. How heart breaking it is? Lately, water has been the cause of damaging the floor covering. Especially when there is organic decay, deterioration of fiber, heavy soiling, mold growth, heavy soiling, stained, smelly and soggy runner it's a real big problem.

There are different types of remedies for overcoming the carpet water damage successfully. Here are few of them.

If your floor runner has been spoiled due to water that overflowed from the sink/ toilet, then it is wiser to discard it. If you think removing the carpet and replacing it is a big problem then you need to restore the rug from damage either yourself or by hiring a professional. Here are few tips to refurbish the carpet yourself.

* Remove all the furnishing over the damaged fitted covering over the floor. At times, fabric has the tendency to leave the stain and it would look weird, when the carpeting dries.
* Start extracting the excess of water.

* Once the carpet restoration professional comes, ask them to clean it using disinfectant.

* When the rug is cleaned ensure that no traffic is there on the carpet. This will help in keeping the backing of the floor covering intact and eliminate the chances of de-lamination.

* In addition to it, see that there is no tack strip and carpet padding. Try to elevate the rug and use the right equipment for drying the rug. One can use fans, or dehumidifiers to speed up the process.

Hope these tips will help in restoring the carpet completely. Still if you cannot smarten up your floor covering then take the help of a carpet restoration company. They will definitely look into the problem and do the needful. If you thing money is a problem and if you have the floor covering insured then you can claim the money. But don't expect that the rug manufacturer will pay you for the carpet damage. Usually it's a big no from their side. So take the necessary help from the right person at right time to overcome the carpet-refurbishing problem successfully.

Born and raised in New Delhi, India, Mohita completed her graduation in English Literature from Delhi University, India. She also holds a Master's degree in Journalism from Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Vishwavidyalya, Bhopal. She is currently working as Content Writer.

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